
Attention Faculty

Click Here to submit your textbook and supply requisitions online.

Request Submission Due Dates:
Spring/Winter Intersession 2025: January 13, 2025

We gladly accept adoptions submitted after the dates shown above.

Why So early?

The Southwestern College Bookstore works hard to save students money on their course materials purchases by buying back books needed in the upcoming term, by searching the national market for used texts, and by working with our vendors to negotiate better prices. All these efforts take time, and none works well unless we have a substantial set of adoption information to work with. Plus, getting the routine adoptions in early gives us more time to work with late and problem adoptions. We thank you, and your students thank you, for submitting your adoption information as soon as you have made your decision.

How to Submit your Requisition

PowerPoint tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to submit your requisition.

Additional Information

Ideas for helping to Reduce Textbook Costs.

View information regarding our policy on desk copies.

Use this link to access Publisher websites and local representatives. Contact your Campus Store for information regarding classroom activities for the new College Book of the Year.

Faculty members, do you have questions about your textbook requisition, the status of your order, or other book-related issues? Contact our textbook department directly at bookstore@swccd.edu.


We are always looking for ways to improve our service. Send us your comments and we will respond within one business day.